Seeking Emergency Care

Seeking Emergency Care

How Can I Tell If I Have COVID Or The Delta Variant?

by Bruce Simpson

Just when the world thought that the COVID-19 pandemic was ending, a variant of the original virus has surfaced. The Delta variant is basically the same basic symptoms as COVID-19, but it is just different enough to slip past the vaccine and infect people yet again. Another new factor of the Delta variant is that it seems to be affecting and spreading in children, whereas the original virus mainly affected older adults. 

With all of that scary information, you may wonder how you can get tested for the Delta variant if you or anyone in your home comes down with any flu-like symptoms. Basic COVID-19 tests may detect this new strain, though they are not reliably accurate. However, that is the first step you should take if you are suspicious that you may have the virus. For certain individuals who are high-risk, certain testing may be required to determine exactly what they are struggling with. Here is some info on how laboratories test for the Delta variant in those cases.

Saliva Sample

While original COVID-19 tests were performed by a very invasive (and painful) nasal swab, most new tests for the Delta variant only require a saliva sample. Researchers have determined that there is usually enough viral material in saliva to perform the required tests. This is also a good reason to wear a mask to both protect yourself and others from the virus. 

Genomic Sequencing

To really determine if someone has been infected with the original COVID-19 virus or the Delta variant, genomic sequencing must be performed. This is an extremely in-depth process where an individual's saliva sample is broken down until a single virus is found, and its specific genes and characteristics are closely examined. Only then can researchers accurately discern what an individual is struggling with. Obviously, this process is slow and expensive, though it may be necessary to determine what type of virus the nation is fighting. Individuals who are considered high risk may need to supply a saliva sample to their doctor or the hospital in order to be tested for the Delta variant. 

In conclusion, while not every potential case of the Delta variant will likely undergo such thorough testing, anyone who thinks they may be infected with the virus should seek a routine COVID-19 test. They may not be absolutely accurate, but they are more accurate than simply brushing off symptoms and accidentally affecting those around you. To receive COVID-19 testing, visit your local physician's office or medical clinic, such as Dewey Medical.


About Me

Seeking Emergency Care

When you are struggling with breathing, thinking, or any other crucial function, it is vital to seek emergency care. Going to the ER when you are ready could really help you to improve your odds of survival, especially if you have been struck with a heart-attack, stroke, or another problem. Fortunately, by doing what you can to understand emergency care, you can prevent problems and improve your chances of a longterm recovery. This blog is all about emergency care, including what you can do to recognize the signs of trouble early. Check out these tips and tricks to find out how to move forward, even when you think you are moving backwards physically.
